Though you probably wish your metabolism was sky high (everyone wants that sleek body - right?), there are a number of factors you can't change that determine the level of your metabolism. These include age, sex, and your genes. That's right - being over 40 decreases your metabolism, as does being a woman or having a family history of slow metabolism.
Ever wondered why the first few pounds of weight loss come so easily for some people? It's because your body has to work a little harder when you're overweight. So when you make a small lifestyle change, your higher metabolism does the rest of the work by helping shed pounds with a bit more ease.
Unfortunately, keeping a high metabolism isn't after you've lost the initial few pounds. But if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you'll need to have your metabolism working for you.
There's a lot of talk about metabolism, and it seems that all the skinny folks have a large amount of it. But what exactly is metabolism, why is it important to your body, and what can you do to increase your metabolism? You're about to find out!
Over the next few posts, I will present ways to improve your metabolism and make the most out of your weight loss progress.
Until then, Live Life Well,
John Aaron Villarreal
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The content and information on this site is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise or diet program.
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