Get more muscles. A little flab here and there won't make a huge difference, but muscle burns energy faster than flab. So if you want the highest possible metabolism, you'll need to increase your muscle mass. Do this by exercising on a regular basis (three days a week at the least), and be sure to mix in plenty of weight lifting with your running, bicycling, and swimming. If you're over 40 years of age, you may need some extra time in the gym, as you also have to fight your metabolism's desire to slow down regardless of your routine.
Get five meals. Eating three times a day may be how you did things growing up, but unless you want to grow out, you've got to eat up more often. By substituting three large meals for five or more small meals throughout the day, you give your body confidence that there will be plenty of food coming later. This confidence allows your body to burn off more calories all day long.
Get good foods. Eating five or six times a day will have the greatest impact on your metabolism if you're filling up on the right stuff. That means tossing the extra slice of cake in the trash and going for a handful of carrots instead. Or grab some oatmeal for a fill up that will provide a slow-burning boost to your metabolic low.
As always, if you need help organizing your plan to increase your metabolism, consider hiring a professional. I’m available any time you are ready.
Until then - Life Life Well,
John Aaron Villarreal
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The content and information on this site is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.
Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise or diet program.
Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise or diet program.
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