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Catching Z’s and Dropping Pounds

Maybe you’ve been working really hard at losing those last 10 pounds. You’ve done everything you can think of from cutting back on the amount of calories you eat, to working out twice a day. You’ve even sworn off desserts! So why do those extra pounds hold such a stubborn grip on you?

Well, if you’ve read a couple of my most recent posts, you could be sabotaging your efforts by neglecting your sleep.
As I’ve been saying, your ability to maintain a healthy weight can directly correlate your ability to obtain adequate quality. The interesting thing is that the two benefits are symbiotic in that losing weight is a good way to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.

Why? There are a number of reasons.

For starters, a significant number of overweight people tend to suffer from sleep apnea. This is a condition which commonly causes snoring. However, the snoring is severe enough to obstruct a persons’ breathing for prolonged periods, as he or she sleeps. However, there are recorded cases where individuals have been cured of sleep apnea through weight loss.

Another way your sleep may improve through weight loss is through a reduction of joint pain, including chronic back pain. The link between being back pain and being overweight has been researched for years. And if you have experienced an episode where you may have hurt your back, you can attest to the fact that while back pain is bothersome during the day, it can be extremely bad at night when you try to lie down to sleep. Is it any wonder how this can have a negative impact on your quality of sleep?

Regardless of whether you are currently overweight or suffering from either of the problems mentioned above, one this is certain: you must find time for exercise and adequate rest. Do not be discouraged that results aren’t instantaneous. Instead, make the effort to do all you can to improve your health and quality of life and renew your vow daily
A happier, healthier life is closer than you think.

Until next time – Live Life Well

John Aaron Villarreal

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The content and information on this site is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.
Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise or diet program.


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