While a certain level of cholesterol is necessary to keep your body functioning properly, too much can be dangerous, in fact, excessive cholesterol can be deadly.
So what do I tell these individuals about fending off high cholesterol? I say, you’ve come to the right place. Put on your exercise outfit and let’s get to it! : )
Through the exercise process, your body does two amazing things. It reduces the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in your body and increases the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in your body.
Why does this matter? Well, getting rid of LDL is a good thing because in the eyes of your physician, LDL is bad cholesterol. It is most responsible for the artery-clogging affects cholesterol is known for. HDL, on the other hand, is actually beneficial to your body. Researchers believe that this kind of cholesterol pushes excess cholesterol out of the arteries, into the liver, and out of the body. As a result, the likelihood of heart attack greatly diminishes.
Although exercise increases your HDL while lowering your LDL, it takes a good bit of exercise to really have an impact. So don’t think you can stop by the gym when the mood hits you or when your schedule allows. You're going to have to commit.
You're going to need to spend some time in the gym, maybe four or five days a week. I know this sounds extreme, but it’s no-where near as extreme as a heart attack. Am I right?
Remember that any kind of exercise is good. So spend time stretching out, getting plenty of aerobic exercise, and don't forget strength training. By doing this most days of the week, your body will begin to get rid of unwanted cholesterol and create more of the good, heart-friendly cholesterol.
Unfortunately, while exercise has a positive impact on your cholesterol levels, exercise alone will never be enough. For maximum cholesterol-killing ability, you must change how you eat.
I know what you’re thinking. You think I want you to toss out all of your favorite foods, right? Well, there's an even better solution: Up your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. And, start making your own food instead of buying prepackaged goods that are more likely to be loaded with cholesterol. You'll not only help your cholesterol levels, but you'll be better able to maintain your weight and will enjoy a boost in energy, too.
Lastly, to help you understand what healthy or high cholesterol levels are, use the chart below.
Ideal Cholesterol Levels Total Cholesterol: 200 mg/dL or lower
HDL Cholesterol: 60 mg/dL or higher LDL Cholesterol: 100 mg/dL or lower
Dangerous Cholesterol Levels
Total Cholesterol: 240 mg/dL or higher HDL Cholesterol: 40 mg/dL or lower (50 mg/dL or lower for women)
LDL Cholesterol: 160 mg/dL or higher
Until next time - Live Life Well,
John Aaron Villarreal
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The content and information on this site is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.
Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise or diet program.
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