There's a diet if you're tall, a diet if you're short, a diet if you're fat, a diet if you're not too fat, and now, there's a diet based on your blood type. But is this bloody diet worth its weight in plasma or will it go the way of so many other overnight sensations? Read on to get the inside scoop on the diet that will have you seeing red.
At the heart of the Blood Type Diet is a belief that your blood holds the key to what you should eat. Created by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, the diet boils down to a few key eating habits, which are based on your blood type. Of course, like any smart diet, the Blood Type Diet also leans heavily on exercise and gives advice on which exercises suit your blood best.
If you've got Type A Blood, the Blood Type Diet insists your body will respond best to a vegetarian diet. Since you're more likely to wind up with cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, you'll want to take trips to the gym regularly, but try sticking with yoga, tai chi, and other slow-moving and relaxing exercises.
Type B Blood, on the other hand, can handle most any food that comes its way, as long as it is eaten in moderation. For some reason, Type B Blood resists most of the small and large diseases that plague other blood types, and a moderate exercise regiment with exercises such as cycling, tennis, and hiking will keep you healthy.
In the event you have Type AB Blood, you'll want to pick and choose your exercises from both of the groups mentioned above. As far as dietary guidance, you can enjoy vegetables and meats of nearly all kinds, but you may need to avoid chicken.
Type O Blood requires a regular ingestion of animal proteins. These are most easily obtained through eating meats. But you should be careful to avoid wheat, cabbage, and corn, as they can cause you to gain weight. If you have Type O blood, the Blood Type Diet also suggests you get plenty of intense physical exercise, such as running, karate, and participation in contact sports.
As intriguing as it may be to have a diet and exercise routine built around the kind of blood in your veins, there isn't a clear consensus in the medical community that the Blood Type Diet works. Quite the contrary. Many experts say it can put your body in harm's way.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there isn't a shred of scientific proof that backs up the claim that a Blood Type Diet helps people live healthier lives. If there is any weight loss achieved during the Blood Type Diet, it is likely due to you not getting enough of the nutrients that are necessary for optimal performance, while increasing your physical activity at the same time. So there may be some weight loss, but it isn't safe or long-lasting weight loss.
Now that the wind has been knocked out of your sails over the Blood Type Diet, you may be hungering for another great diet to come your way. Something that will invigorate you and keep you going strong, while helping you lose weight and look better every day.
Here's the best option. Instead of looking for another fad diet, eat a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables and get plenty of exercise a few times a week. Want something a little more specific? Contact me for a personalized fitness plan.
Until then - Live Life Well,
John Aaron Villarreal
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