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Fake It or Make It: A Guide to Achieve Your Goals

Ever heard of the phrase, “Fake it till you make it?” I’m not a big fan of the way it’s worded because I think we should always remain true and authentic to ourselves, but the idea does hold a valuable concept. It’s the concept of modifying your behavior to create the outcome, situation, or lifestyle you desire

We all have goals/dreams we would like to achieve. The trick to making these achievements a permanent reality is to determine who we are going to be once these goals have been accomplished. How will they change you and your actions? How would you feel?

For some, a goal may be to have more energy throughout the day. So, put yourself in that person’s reality. What would your current life be like if you already reached that goal? Chances are, you would be making time to prepare healthy energetic foods & snacks, exercising regularly and fitting in some self-care and recuperation time (like meditating or getting a massage)

The idea of “fake it till you make it” is to determine what you can you do right now to create the feelings and emotions of that person who’s already realized their goal. Create the emotions of achieving your goals, and you will be able to attract the outcome.

If you want to lose 10 pounds so you can alleviate the stress on your joints and live a pain free life – then determine what you can do right now to feel that way.

Instead of waiting for the goal to “happen” to you, why not “step into” the new YOU? Try acting from that place, and integrate the new identity into every cell of your body.

How does it feel to act like the NEW you? If it feels good, stay there. If it feels off, maybe you want to revisit your goals to see if they are truly aligned with your values and are authentic to you.

If it feels like you have one foot on the gas pedal and one foot on the breaks, ask yourself, “Do I truly believe that I can become this new person?” If there is any doubt, any little voice in your head that says you can’t, see what beliefs are holding you back from living as the new YOU.

Until you are entirely on board (conscious, subconscious and your physical body), your efforts will be met with roadblocks and frustration.

Your “do it now” action item:
List 3 things you can do right now to achieve your desired feelings and emotions… and do them often!

Sometimes finding the reasons for self-sabotage can be difficult to find. Sometimes you need someone “outside looking in” to help you determine the burdens that are holding you down. If you feel like this, consider setting up a complimentary coaching session with me. Together we can demolish the barriers that are keeping you from living your dreams of a healthier, happier you. Feel free to call me any time: 713-562-2474 or visit my online schedule to book your session immediately.

As always - Enjoy Your Life!

John Aaron Villarreal
massage therapist | health coach


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