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Natural Ways to Relieve Migraines

The Migraine Research Foundation reveals that there are about 6 per cent of men who suffer from
migraines while 18% of American women have it. Richard Lipton, a neurology professor from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City says that the causes of migraines can be 50 per cent genetics while the other half includes a lot of different environmental factors. If you are suffering from migraine, read further for some tips that will surely work.

Stick to a low-fat diet.
A study showed that participants who were on a low-fat diet for three months reported that their headaches reduced for up to 40%. And, by the time they experienced headaches, the pain was 66% less severe while its duration also reduced by 70 per cent.

Make time for exercise.
A 2011 research conducted from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden provided additional proof to the theory that exercise can be beneficial to migraine sufferers. The said research revealed that exercise is just as effective as topiramate in relieving headaches and migraines. Topiramate is the generic drug name that is commonly prescribed to people with migraines. In the said study, participants were asked to exercise using a stationary bike for 40 minutes three times in a week. After three months, the group of people who exercised and those who only took topiramate reported reduced migraine attacks. However, those who chose to take topiramate also experienced some side effects. Therefore, instead of relying on what medications can do, better opt to indulge in a regular exercise regimen.  But, be careful not to overdo it to avoid triggering your headache.

Try peppermint essential oil.
Peppermint essential oil is one of the cheapest and the most natural way to relieve an individual from the searing migraine attacks. Just dab a little on your temples and leave it there for thirty minutes or less and you will find yourself relieved from the pain. This sweet-smelling oil has anti-inflammatory properties that provide a soothing relief to the nerves.

Manage your stress levels.
Stress and its cousin anxiety are huge contributors to headaches and migraines. Unfortunately, many people are working too hard every day that they barely have enough time to take a break and slow down.  As a result, they always find themselves suffering from headaches.  Never wait for yourself to become all too stressed out.  Take a proactive approach against stress by evaluating just how much you can do in a day.  Start by checking your to-do list and see if something in there can be done the next day.  This way, you will not have to exhaust your physical and mental energy just to get these things done all in one day.

Practice relaxation techniques.
Headaches and migraines are often caused by not having enough time for relaxation.  As a result, they find themselves experiencing frequent headaches or migraine attacks. You may try indulging in Yoga exercises or just learn how to do transcendental meditation.  Of course, there are also easier and less complicated ways to relax such as sitting on the couch while listening to your favorite mellow music or hop in the bath tub for a soothing bubble bath. This just goes to say that relaxation is a very important part of one’s lifestyle and is a very effective way to ward off any symptoms of headaches and migraines.

Stick to your sleeping time.
Headaches and migraines are often hinged on sleep deprivation.  When you do not get enough sleep, your brain will not be able to defragment all those thoughts and memories leaving you with symptoms of anxiety, crankiness and intense headaches all throughout the day. This is why if you want to spare yourself from the debilitating pain caused by migraine, better come up with a definite sleep-wake routine.  A good night sleep will give your brain and body the chance to recharge and refresh so you would feel more relaxed, composed and calm the following day.

About the Author: Ryan Rivera loves to help his readers achieve a healthy lifestyle that is devoid of anxiety and other health problems.  For more effective health-related tips, just visit his Calm Clinic Google+ account.


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