Happiness feels great! It makes everything in life a little easier to handle, the bad moments don’t seem quite so bad and the good moments feel much better. Your mood gets a boost and your relationships with friends, family, and coworkers seem light and easy. Yep, there’s no doubt about it; being happy will make every part of your life a little bit better.
So, it’s hard for me to believe that there are people out there who don’t know how to be happy or are waiting for happiness to find them - but it’s true. They are content to just sit around and wait in limbo or misery. Well, to them I say; happiness doesn't just “happen!” Like anything else, it is something that you, at the very least, look for. You have to put effort into being happy. Understanding this is one of the key things to do to becoming happier.
With that bit of knowledge, anyone can be happy. Yep, that’s right, you don’t even have to be rich or famous or beautiful to be happy. In fact, studies have found that different situations and circumstances account for barely 10% of a person’s happiness. This means that winning the lottery, for instance, wouldn't actually 'make' you any happier. You are already equipped with all the tools needed for happiness.
There is one thing to remember though, and it's that happiness is different for everyone. There is no exact formula to becoming happy. You have to find the things in life that resonate the “feel good” in you. That said, there are a few things that most people find can improve their mood and lead them on the road to happiness.
One of the things is regular exercise. Simply put, people who exercise are happiest. This doesn't mean that you have to kill yourself with miles of running or hardcore gym workouts though. Instead, find some time each evening for a short walk around the neighborhood, twenty or thirty minutes each time, and get outside on the weekends. Moving around and getting your blood flowing will help you become happier much more quickly than sitting around and doing nothing.
Eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water are two more easy things to do to become happier. Since the brain and body are symbiotic, it only makes sense that a happy body leads to a happy mind. And we mustn't forget that getting enough sleep at night is also instrumental in feeling happier.
Lastly, what if there is a legitimate reason for you to be unhappy? Perhaps you are grieving or lost your job? It’s ok to hurt and take some time to experience and process those feelings. But, don’t forget the power of surrounding yourself with supportive and encouraging people. Human interaction will help you feel better sooner rather than later.
You deserve to be happy, everybody does. It allows you to appreciate and take more out of all that life has to offer you. The above tips should help you on the road to being happier, but, remember, that the biggest thing that you can do is to try!
As always – enjoy your life.
John Aaron Villarreal
Bio: I am a Houston based, male massage therapist and wellness coach specializing in pain management and health programs for individuals over the age of forty. I laugh - a lot. I'm quirky but sincere. And, while I'm not a counselor, I do listen and I do care: Except for the times that I don't. That’s a joke - Did I mention that I like to laugh? Anyway, visit my website, call or email me and let's get together to talk about you, and the many ways to live life better!
The Legal Stuff: I write to inform, inspire and encourage my readers to enjoy all that life has to offer.
The content and information on this site is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.
Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise, diet or wellness program.
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