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A Springtime for Life

Anyone who knows me knows that my favorite season is autumn. Something about its warm glow and harvest season just gets my energy up. Spring, however, would be my close second. After all, you can’t have a fall harvest without spring planning and planting.

And, while MY idea of spring gardening usually involves “telling” Alex (that's my 'other half' in case you didn't know) where to plant this year’s greenery; I've discovered spring to be a perfect metaphor for reviewing my life and instituting changes for the future. It provides a clean slate, perfect opportunity to set clear goals, and watch them grow into reality.

So, this spring I decided to copy the growth you see in nature. I want to see how it affects my own goals, perceptions and desires for self improvement. I’m not generally one to meditate. I always thought of it as an alien experience for me and I thought you might feel the same way.

So, I thought I would outline my process to help you get started in this ritualistic process.

1. First, find a notepad, a pencil, and a favorite place to sit quietly. It can be indoors or out. I like the big recliner I have in my home office. Then, take a few minutes to breathe fully and deeply. Keep your attention on your breathing and don’t fall asleep. ;-)

2. Then, in the quite of your mind, simply ask yourself: What is working in my life right now, and what is NOT working in my life? How can I clear out or let go of those things that prevent me from moving forward into this fresh season of growth and rebirth? Observe your thoughts and feelings for 3 or 4 minutes.

3. Write down three things you would like to let go of. Then, put this ‘Let Go’ list aside.

4. Now ask yourself: What do I desire in this new season? What seeds would I like to plant? Again see what answers come to you.

5. Write down three intentions for the coming year.

6. Take the Let Go list and symbolically burn it (or, literally burn it if you like). The point is this: Resolve to release yourself from the briers and thorns that have stuck in your side and prevented your growth. If you need help, resolve to get help from a friend, family member or wellness coach.

7. Most importantly, review your Intentions list. Make it a point to post it up somewhere you will see it each day as a reminder of the seeds you have sown inside yourself (I like to use my bathroom mirror, but others like the refrigerator). Then resolve to keep and care for these seeds of change until they come to fruition.

I know this seems all ‘touchy-feely’ to some of you, but it is really more of a simple tool for letting go of the thoughts that strangle your growth (like weeds) and eventually kill your spirit, and focusing on the direction of health and happiness.

If you rearrange your life so that you plant new creative ideas regularly throughout the year, you will be amazed by the increase in satisfaction you experience. You may even experience an even deeper connection to the flow of nature's seasons, too.

As always – Enjoy Your Life!

John Aaron Villarreal

Bio: I am a Houston based, male massage therapist and wellness coach specializing in pain management and health programs for individuals over the age of forty. I laugh - a lot. I'm quirky but sincere. And, while I'm not a counselor, I do listen and I do care: Except for the times that I don't. That’s a joke - Did I mention that I like to laugh? Anyway, visit my website, call or email me and let's get together to talk about you, and the many ways to live life better!

The Legal Stuff: I write to inform, inspire and encourage my readers to enjoy all that life has to offer.
The content and information on this site is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.
Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise, diet or wellness program. 


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