Whether you play tennis or golf, or you spend most of your time filing papers, tendinitis can affect anyone. Tendons are the tissues at the end of muscles that connects muscle to bone. Known for its painful inflammation ('itis' refers to inflammation), scarring of tendons, swelling, and a feeling of weakness, tendinitis can inhibit proper muscle function. Tendinitis is sometimes confused with or occurs with a condition called 'tendonosis,' a degenerative condition of the tendon, which also causes pain and dysfunction. The most common sites for both are the shoulder, arms, hip, hamstrings and the Achilles tendon. You may experience pain at the site of the injury or pain can be referred, or radiated, to areas distant from the injury. Pain and Repetitive Actions Repetitive strain injuries (RSI's) develop from repeated movements and are characterized by pain, stiffness and tissue scarring. They often involve tendons that cannot adapt to forces placed upon them. ...