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Easy Weight Loss

It’s the weekend and I must first apologize if the title to this posting set your heart aflutter. The truth of the matter is; easy weight loss is a myth. Sorry…
Unfortunately, many diet and weight loss gimmicks have preyed upon the American obsession with thinness. It is the very promise of FAST results that has spawned a grand multibillion dollar industry and a plethora of fat-fighting strategies. The question is, “Do they work?”
Well, yes…, and, well, no.

Take for example, Liposuction. It is the process of suctioning fat out of specific areas of the body. This procedure requires tubes to be inserted in half-inch long incisions in areas such as the thighs, buttocks, upper arms, abdomen or hips, in order to “vacuum” out the fat cells.

It’s a brutal procedure leaving the patient bruised, sore and in support bandages upwards of six weeks after surgery, and contrary to popular belief, liposuction is not recommended for obese individuals. In fact, many doctors require that their patients be regular exercisers and usually not over the age of 35 (skin must be resilient) before undergoing liposuction.

Although this method of fat loss has immediate results, be aware that if proper eating and exercise habits are not used in conjunction with liposuction, the remaining fat cells will enlarge to replace those suctioned out.

Liquid meal replacement programs are another “quick fix” for weight loss. Available as both physician-supervised (Optifast, Medifast, etc.) and over-the-counter (Slimfast, etc.) programs, these high protein drinks do bring about rapid weight loss, but statistics suggest that subsequent weight gain is inevitable, often in amounts greater than what was lost.

Theoretically, an individual drinking two or three shakes (at about 200- 600 calories per drink) and eating one balanced meal a day would lose weight. However, liquid diets are also associated with certain health risks including possible loss of body protein and potassium, gastrointestinal discomfort and possible heart damage.

If I had to give a recommendation for quick weight loss solution, I would choose any of our surpluses of retail prepackaged food stores (like Perfect-Fit, TruMeals or My Fit Foods).

The only downsides I can see is sometimes a lackluster taste and high cost, these meals are usually nutritionally balanced & very convenient. Hey, if you were going to go to the “Golden Arches” for lunch anyway, why not opt for something better?

The problem with using prepackaged meals is that it can fail to educate you on nutritional skill-building thereby fostering dependence rather than independence around making healthy food choices. As a result, you may often find yourself at a loss when you try to live in the real world of multiple food choices next time you’re dining out with friends….

In any case, the best way to lose weight is to personal responsibility. If you need help, get it! In fact, that’s exactly what I’m here for. Just remember that YOU are ultimately responsible for taking the actions required for treating your body with care and respect. Don’t let media control your actions. Eat well, and you will live well; timelessly….


That said – Enjoy Your Life!

John Aaron Villarreal

The content and information on this site is not intended to diagnose,

cure, treat or prevent disease. Please consult your physician
prior to starting any exercise or diet program.


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