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Protecting Your Heart

No muscle in your body works harder than you heart. That's why you should always strive to take good care of it!

But - What's the best way to do that?

Well, I'm sure you've already had it pounded into your head that working out and eating right are the first two major steps to protecting your 'ticker,' but here's something you probably haven't heard:

A simple essential mineral can practically "bulletproof" your heart against disaster (and disease).

I'm talking about magnesium. So what exactly can this commonly overlooked mineral do for you?

A study in the American Heart Journal found that magnesium is incredibly effective at slashing the risk of sudden cardiac death.

In fact, the researchers found that folks with high amounts of magnesium circulating in their bloodstream are 41 percent less likely to die of a sudden heart disaster. [1]

But that's not all...

A study published in the Journal of Hypertension links low magnesium levels to the development of heart disease (the formation of plaque on the inner lining of your arterial walls). [2]

On the other hand, if you get plenty of magnesium, you're in luck.

The University of Virginia School of Medicine studied over 7,000 men for 30 years. After the long study, researchers concluded that the intake of dietary magnesium is associated with a significantly reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

In fact, the men in the study that had the lower intake of magnesium had a 50-100 percent GREATER chance of developing heart disease than those with higher intakes.[3]

Bottom line? Get your magnesium!

The USDA reports that 68 percent of Americans don't get enough - and that's just for the basic Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for magnesium.

The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) states that "...many people may not have enough body stores of magnesium because dietary intake may not be high enough. Having enough body stores of magnesium may be protective against disorders such as cardiovascular disease and immune dysfunction."

Magnesium is not only important to protect your heart - it's involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps bones strong, and even keeps your heart rhythm steady.

No, I’m not here to “Sell” you anything. In fact, magnesium supplements are so common-place, you can probably find it at your local grocery store. But if you need a place to go, try my friend Fred Walters at Expert Nutrition.

Start off with 200mg a day. Taking too much may have a laxative effect. Other than that, there are no reported dangers according to the National Institutes of Health. [4]

You can also get your daily quota of magnesium by eating plenty of legumes (beans) and dark, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.

And by the way ... if you're serious about taking your overall health and fitness to the next level, why not consider my guys at Muscle Mechanics and take advantage of your FREE Fitness Consultation? (an $87 value)

During this consult, you'll receive detailed information on how to get fit and trim that's tailored to YOUR body.

There's no obligation and it's totally and completely free. To sign up, click here

And always – Live Your Life Well!

John Aaron Villarreal

The content and information on this site is not intended to diagnose,
cure, treat or prevent disease. Please consult your physician
prior to starting any exercise or diet program.

[1] Peacock JM. Serum magnesium and risk of sudden cardiac death in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. American Heart Journal. 2010;160: 464-470.
[2] Adrian M. A long-term moderate magnesium-deficient diet aggravates cardiovascular risks associated with aging and increases mortality in rats. Journal of Hypertension. 2008;26:44-52.
[3] Abbott, RD, American Journal of Cardiology, Sep 2003; 92 (6):665-9.


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