It seems that television and fitness magazines would have you thinking that becoming as lean as a fitness model is the only goal of anyone who works out. But obviously that isn’t true. What should YOU set your eyes on? Well, I have always believed that if you focus on fitness, the rest will follow. The “rest” being; a lean body, strength, energy etc.
If you have ever wondered how to view the division between fit and fat, you are certainly not alone.
Ideally, every person will weigh the proper weight that allows him or her to function well throughout their normal day. Since being underweight or overweight can do significant damage to the body's organs, bones, and joints, obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight is paramount to overall good health.
Unfortunately, very few people in the developed world are underweight…. In fact, the issue most people face with regard to their weight is being overweight or even obese. In some parts of the world - the United States of America primarily - the number of people who weigh more than they should has grown to such numbers that a national epidemic has been declared.
In case you aren’t familiar with the way the Body Mass Index works, here is a quick synopsis: When an individual's body mass index (BMI is a measure of body fat based on a comparison of your height and weight) is 25 or higher, the individual is deemed overweight. A BMI of 30 or higher indicates obesity. Falling into either category greatly increases an individual's risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and countless other diseases.
Bear in mind that this is only a “rule of thumb” type of measurement and is intended to evaluate a generalization of the population. Extremely fit people may be quite lean, but because of their muscle weight, they will incorrectly be categorized as obese. Likewise, some underweight individuals may be considered “normal,” but their lack of muscle in proportion to their fat weight would actually indicate obesity. Yes – you CAN be normal weight and “fat!”
It’s best to hire the help of a professional to best determine you standing: fit or fat.
Until next time; Choose to Live Your Life – Well!
John Aaron Villarreal
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prior to starting any exercise or diet program.
cure, treat or prevent disease. Please consult your physician
prior to starting any exercise or diet program.
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