How much cardio should you be getting each day? I usually say “shoot for an hour, but get at least 30 minutes.” If you are in a part of the country where the summer heat can be overly oppressing, try doing your walk indoors at your local gym, shopping mall, or church recreation hall.
While you may want to push yourself to your limit the entire time, you may be surprised as what alternating between fast and moderate-speeds can do for you. Try doing this; walk as fast as you can manage for about one minute (pretend you’re playing a race with someone – but don’t run!), then walk at a more relaxed rate of speed for up to two minutes.
Doing this will not only increase your energy, cardiovascular strength and stamina, but can also keep your legs toned and your waist smaller!
Until next time – Live Life Well,
John Aaron Villarreal
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cure, treat or prevent disease. Please consult your physician
prior to starting any exercise or diet program.
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