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Showing posts from August, 2014

Does That Hurt..? Your 5-Step Injury Prevention Plan

Doing what I do, massage specializing in pain relief, I mostly see clients "after" they have encountered some type of trauma that causes physical pain. Most of them are athletic, some are weekend warrior types, and some are desk jockeys. That said, the best pain management plan is the one that includes a "preventative" program, and that's what I will be giving you here. Injuries don't have to slow you from meeting your fitness goals or keep you from enjoying your daily activities. The following 5 steps that I have outlined below will dramatically reduce your chance of experiencing a pain causing injury and if you do find yourself injured, but have been following these 5 steps, your recovery will be quick and efficient. Step 1: Stretch What is more boring than stretching? You have stuff to do; work to finish, meetings to attend, cooking, cleaning, exercise! The last thing you want to do is to sit around touching your toes -- right? Well, even though ...

Reducing Stress and Boosting Well-Being with Massage

Few people know that therapeutic massage has been used for stress and pain relief around the world throughout the ages. As long ago as the 5th century Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, wrote, "the physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly also in rubbing." Bringing it into modern day, studies such as the one conducted by the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami Medical School, have demonstrated that massage is extraordinary in its ability to reduce the effects of stress and promote well-being. Therapeutic massage has become well known as one of the best ways to deal with the overload of stress so common in today's world. And because we live in a 24/7, go-go-go-world, we must face the facts - stress overload is inevitable. Therapeutic massage can give you a break from the buildup of stress and trigger the "relaxation response," a natural function of the nervous system that reverses the effects of excess stress. I...

Can Cherries Cure Pain?

As with most things in life, there is no single “magic bullet” supplement or medication that will provide you with perfect results. I personally believe the best defense against chronic pain and inflammation is to have an arsenal of tools and therapies at our disposal to protect yourself against the destructive repercussions chronic pain can bring. With millions of Americans looking for ways to naturally manage pain, I think it's promising that tart cherries can help, without the possible side effects often associated with many current pain and arthritis medications. How Much? Most of the studies I refer to specifically investigated the impact of Montmorency cherries on systemic inflammatory and oxidative stress. Rather than consume whole cherries (something I would prefer over juice), participants were given two daily doses (about 1 oz. each) of tart cherry juice concentrate. This amount was considered to significantly lower levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and high-sensitivi...

Holy Jet-lag! I Hurt!

I guess you could say I'm kind of like the postman in that neither rain, nor Houston heat, nor gloom of airport customs agents, nor the winds of change, nor patience challenged, will stay me from my appointed rounds of cherished clients and friends. Ever. That said, I'll have to admit - it was a tough and looong flight back! LOL!  But - I'm here! Not without some injury, though... it's just a tight lower back. Nothing a little stretching and a decent massage couldn't fix. Just know this; no matter how "comfortable" the airlines say you will be, unless you're in first class, don't believe'em. The cramped and crowded confinement of flying coach is enough to make you ache both in body and mind. Good thing there is a technique I've been experimenting with: meditation. Now, before you start thinking I'm going all zen, hippie, peyote, touchy-feely on you, let me clarify. You don't have to be a flower child, nun, priest or monk...